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  • Celia Sanchez
    Marietta has a little gas, but when she does, she has a terrible time. All day she pachuchilla. So we decided to try Kusi Wawa's Wawa Band and she was super relaxed!

    Celia Sanchez


  • Katia Perez
    She is 3 months old and the baby colic has finally disappeared. To treat her we have changed her formula milk formula (a special one for gastro intestinal problems) and we resorted to the Wawa Band. This second is the best tool to swaddle and warm the tummy area. It helps her pass gas and calm her down.

    Katia Perez


  • Noemi
    Until I have been a mother I have not known how much gases babies have. How can so many fit in such a tiny body?

    But we have already found a way that they do not hurt:

    1. We take it upside down and walk around the house for a while until it calms down

    2. We give him gut massages

    3. We put on the Kusi Wawa Wawa Band belt. It is to put it on and with the warmth and the smell it stays fried.



  • Jennifer Calero
    The first days Mario cried a lot. It was colic. How bad it was for him and how bad it was for all of us who are around him. I decided to try the Wawa Band belt as it has a natural seed cushion inside. What I liked the most is that it has an anti-burn system that makes me feel very safe when using it. When I started using it, I saw that it helped him a lot and that it calmed down quickly.

    Jennifer Calero

    Ciudad Real

  • Dylan and Kimberly's mom
    When I see that Kimberly is restless or has trouble sleeping or has gas, what I do is put this belt on her. It is so easy to use! You heat it for 15 seconds in the microwave. It has a safety device that alerts you if it is too hot and I love it.
    Since I put it on, she relaxes and falls asleep. The seeds have a super good smell. I wish I had met him with little brother Dylan, who had a lot of colic.

    Also, I see that they also have a belt for women! And that it is safe even for pregnancy.

    Dylan and Kimberly's mom


  • Lara
    After a few days testing the Wawa Band belt, we are happy. The mornings that there is no way for him to do his things is to put it on and it works immediately!



  • Maria
    Today I want to tell you about my experience with colic in my first pregnancy. New mom and a colicky baby ... imagine the big picture. She didn't want the afternoon to come. I got on my nerves when it started to get dark. It was when those undesirable crying without comfort began, cramps and that uncertainty of not knowing what to do.
    This time I was prevented thanks to the Wawa Band. Treats the physical pain factors that cause gas and colic. I love that it has an anti-scald safety device, to make sure it doesn't burn my baby's skin. Its almond oil is the perfect assistant to combine the Wawa Band with massages.


  • Sol
    We have applied the Kusi Wawa method when we see that our baby begins to be upset and is doing super well. It is highly recommended!


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