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Solution for baby colic


    For Baby

    Discover our most natural product line to help relieve the colic of your newborn baby. Here you will find the Wawa Band to relieve your baby's belly pain, 100% natural almond oil to massage him and supplements for the Kusi Wawa Method.

  • Colic of the infant treatment

    Discount Packs

    Buy packs of our products to get the best results, at discounted prices.

About us

Lúar López Villaescusa

Hello, I'm Lúar, the protagonist of this adventure. My birth brought ACTION to my family, opening up new perspectives on motherhood, fatherhood, and parenthood.

Joana Sánchez-Fortuny Pons
I'm Lúar's grandmother. Having spent my life in the world of textiles, I've been with Meritxell from the start of her project, bringing her ideas to life. Now, with the birth of my first grandchild, I'm taking over from Meritxell. My husband and I will be responsible for the production of our products.

Youcef Alilat Khebbazi
I'm Lúar's godfather and Joana's husband. A social educator by profession, I've been co-directing the production of Kusi Wawa products with Joana for years. I'll be continuing along this path with my family, managing production, order logistics, and the company's accounts.

Lorena Villaescusa Sánchez-Fortuny
Mum of Lúar, I'm a nurse, lactation consultant, reflexologist, and dance therapist. My dream is to combine my mother's expertise with my professional skills to bring therapeutic value to our products. I'm delighted to be starting this adventure in this new phase of my life. I'll be in charge of marketing and integrating therapeutic value into our products.

Manuel López Moreno
Father of Lúar and Elba, I'm a coach. I love discovering new things and living life to the fullest. The arrival of my son is the perfect time to start this project. My aim is to bring well-being to the world through my own example and through my therapies. I will be the Kusi Wawa sales representative.