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Help relieve baby colic naturally

Help relieve baby colic naturally

Infant colic is a condition that our little ones suffer from as newborns. It is benign, because it is not a disease and it is something that does not affect their development. However, it causes a lot of anxiety and a lot of discomfort in the family and especially the baby.

Due to the early age at which it occurs (it usually appears at two weeks of life and can last up to 4 months), and because it is a benign disorder, we should be reluctant to medicate. But we don't have to give up trying to comfort our babies. For this reason, today we will talk about ways that you can help relieve colic in your baby naturally.

Prevention is one of the key elements when trying to alleviate infant colic. There are a series of actions that we can develop.

The most important action. Massage is one of the most important preventive actions. A daily massage gives the baby security, love, relaxation ... Thanks to the massages we reinforce the connection with our newborn. This way you feel more secure with us. We encourage him to feel loved. And thanks to this more emotional part, the baby will feel more relaxed and will probably sleep better. On a physical level, with massage we can also help the expulsion of gases.

By carrying the baby with us, we again promote her rest and her safety. We make you feel safe by being with us. By being in constant contact with him. And this results in more hours of sleep. More rest ... resulting in less severe colic attacks.
Action when colic appears
When colic appears, we have to try to relieve the baby. In the middle of crying we are not going to massage or touch her belly. If not, we will try to ease his pain and offer him the contact he needs.

Infant colic is not caused exclusively by physical pain (belly pain). On the contrary, it is made up of a very emotional component. Colic usually develops late in the day, because this is when the baby is most tired. He has accumulated the stimuli of a whole day and "can't take it anymore." For this reason, we have to attend to two aspects in a respectful way. The Kusi Wawa method helps us to identify them and provides us with solutions:

The physical aspect. We are going to relieve stomach pain with the Wawa Band belt. The heat acts as a natural analgesic and promotes the expulsion of gases. In addition, thanks to the anti-burn safety device you have the security that you will not burn the baby. The chosen seed is flax seed, to obtain a fast and safe heating, since it heats evenly and without peaks.

The emotional aspect. After we have placed the Wawa Band around the baby's body, we are going to lull him well with our Wawa Wrap. The cooing allows us to temporarily practice containment. The baby is so nervous that we need to help calm him down. The rapid movement of the arms and legs only increases his nervousness. The lullaby warms you, reminds you of the feeling of being in your mother's womb, and makes you feel safe. After lulling him, we will proceed to take the baby in our arms, swing him, sing songs to him ... until we see that he is calmer. At this time, if you want to offer suction, it can also be a good option to help calm down permanently.

Once he is calm or even asleep, you can remove him from the lullaby.

The Kusi Wawa method is developed every day when the baby is in colic. It ends up becoming a routine and you will be able to observe how your baby calms down faster and faster because he already recognizes the benefits of it.

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