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What solutions are there to calm your baby's colic?

What solutions are there to calm your baby's colic?

When your baby suffers from colic, the first thing you want is to fix them and as quickly as possible. Today there are many options to relieve colic, some methods try to eliminate gas, others are drops of probiotics to improve intestinal transit, physiotherapy, osteopathy, etc.


Today we want to summarize all the solutions you will find to relieve your baby's cramps.

The first and most important thing, but, is that you understand what colic are. What causes them and why.
You will know that your little one has colic because every day, more or less at the same time, she will start to cry in a disconsolate way. They usually get very red and there is a lot of movement of arms and legs. With a lot of nervousness. If this is happening to you, the first thing you should do is go to your health center to rule out that it is not something more serious.

But, once they have confirmed that they are colic it is worth understanding why they occur:
Colic is a mixture of emotions. First of all, you have to understand that the baby is starting the digestive process and, like any person, can suffer discomfort. Throughout the day, you can suffer them, but you have more ability to overcome them. Normally in the evening, when he is tired of the whole day and has assimilated all the stimuli he has received during the day, he breaks into desperate tears. That is why, in addition to physical pain, he is tired and no longer has the capacity to overcome it. He despairs, and, the only way he has to communicate is through crying.

Because of this, they are so intense cries. This is why this nervousness exists and that is why it is so difficult to reassure them.

And what solutions can we offer?
For us, the most effective solution is the one that provides solutions to both the physical (pain) and the emotional part. This is why the Kusi Wawa Method is so effective. By developing the twelve steps, we manage to relieve physical pain with thermotherapy and offer the emotional support you need to just relax. Once you are more relaxed, we can offer you the suction to end, even falling asleep. If you are interested in learning more about the Kusi Wawa method, you can find all the information about it in the link on Colic Relief on the web.

Other actions you can take to help reduce the intensity of colic or try to prevent it:

- Take your baby as long as you can. The more you carry, the more relaxed the baby is and the more covered the appearance of the contact. Therefore, you will arrive more rested at night and, therefore, will significantly reduce the intensity or probability

- Performs massages in the gut to help promote intestinal transit and relax the baby. In addition, massage also favors contact, so it is very positive. Find anti-colic massage tutorials on our youtube channel. There we explain when to perform the massage and how.

- Be very strict with the routine. The more you have organized the simplest day it will be for the baby to take naps and anticipate what is coming. Thanks to the power of anticipation you will make the baby more relaxed.

We hope that these tips are going very well for you, and, if you have been interested in this article, you may also be interested in:




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