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What is baby colic?

What is baby colic?
Infant colic is a benign disorder that affects around 40% of babies. These affect either term or premature babies, race or sex.

To date, there has been no discovery in the causes of the development of said colic. Most likely, because it is a benign disorder, which does not affect the development of the babies who suffer from it. In addition, it has a limited duration, usually about three months, which means that for a short period of time, large research companies usually do not have sufficient resources to investigate.

The description of what baby colic is, stays for more than 40 years as a baby who cries more than 3 hours a day, for more than 3 days a week, for more than 3 weeks. The crying usually begins at 2 weeks of life, and usually lasts about 3 or 4 months. We recognize it because they are babies that get very red, the crying seems like a scream and they are very tense. At the time of the crisis, they perform very aggressive and nervous movements. The arms and legs are in constant motion and are very difficult to calm.

 Initially, it was believed that the cause of the colic of the newborn could eradicate in the maturation of the digestive system. This is why we initially studied premature babies more closely because, if we believe that it is a problem of digestive maturation, those babies who are born early are more likely to suffer from colic.

Precisely, was to observe these premature babies who realized that, apart from not having a greater percentage of these who suffered colic in front of babies at term, those who did suffer from colic crying began at two weeks of date of corrected birth. That is, they did not start cramping two weeks after delivery as full-term babies, but the crying took two weeks longer than usual (two weeks after the end date).

Upon observing this curiosity, the possibility arose that such a cry could have a more emotional than physical component. With what opened the second possible cause of colic. The main precursor of this current was Dr Harvey Karp, who defined that human newborns require a fourth trimester of extrauterine gestation. Dr Karp explains that the human being needs to live three months, outside the womb, recreating the sensations that he had when he was inside him. It is precisely for this reason that he saw that in the cultures in which the babies were ported constantly, clothed and breastfed without schedules, the colics were less frequent.

Starting from this base, Dr Karp proposes a series of actions with the baby that recreate the sensations that it had in the uterus as a solution to the colic of your baby. Once it breaks into tears, we lull it well, we take it in our arms, we swing it, we make a white noise and we offer it suction.

Parallel to the findings of this Doctor, there are also other studies that aim to demonstrate that, effectively, the infant colic is a completely emotional disorder. It was precisely the American Academy of Pediatrics that promoted these studies, where it was demonstrated that if we offered comfort to babies suffering from colic, and they accepted comfort, the crying stopped automatically.

If you are interested in the subject, you can read more here (https://www.kusiwawa.com/el-factor-emocional-del-colico-del-lactante)

There were also studies on the portage and how to increase the number of hours the baby is ported reduces considerably (by 40%) the crying. If you want to read more about this visit this link (https://www.kusiwawa.com/estudio-dice-portear-reduce-el-llanto-)

So, nowadays, we already recognize that infant colic not only has a physical component, but it is largely emotional. And with that said, the new dilemma that arose was whether it was possible that the emotional upheaval of the baby could cause the abdominal physical pain. Numerous studies conducted with older children have shown that a state of anxiety or nervousness can cause abdominal pain. Mainly, due to the constant pressure that the muscles exert on the stomach. Therefore, there comes a time when we ask ourselves who was the first egg or chicken. Does the abdominal pain of colic cause a state of emotional desperation of our baby? Or is it said desperation that causes abdominal discomfort? In short, it is a question that we can ask ourselves for a long time due to the complexity of obtaining information / answers from our babies, which are so small.

But this is not all. A final study, where the history of the parents of babies suffering from colic was studied; It was found that there was a high correlation between babies with colic and parents with migraines. With which, a completely new new door has been opened. Is it possible that infant colic is a migraine principle? It would clearly explain the desperation they suffer, because it is a very intense pain.
If you want to read more about this topic, visit this article: https://www.kusiwawa.com/los-colicos-un-principio-de-migrana

Precisely because of this, in Kusi Wawa we understand that colic can appear for so many different reasons that many times trying to pigeonhole it with a "guilty" is a bit absurd (and at the same time unproductive).

For this reason, our method tries to relieve colic naturally. So you can improve your symptoms with mere contact and the natural relief of thermotherapy.

The Kusi Wawa Method consists of two very important parts:
- The relief of physical pain through the application of thermotherapy, which we obtained thanks to our Wawa Band. This has been created and patented to get the best effects in a SAFE and QUICK manner. It is the most effective way to act in a time of crisis as it is the moment when they break into tears.
- We offer the emotional support you need to calm down. We lull it so that it feels safe, we pick it up, we swing it, we make relaxing noises and we offer the suction.
If you would be interested to know more about our method, visit us here: https://www.kusiwawa.com/baby-gases-natural-method?

Many parents have already put it to the test. Below we include a series of videos of how they use our method to calm their newborns.





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