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Wawa Band testimonials

Wawa Band testimonials

As many of you already know, Kusi Wawa is not a “big” company (it is not big in size, but it is from the heart). Behind all our products there is a lot of work and the ideas of the founder: Meritxell Vinyas.

For us, contact with dads and moms is paramount. We love that you write us with your experiences. We love that you tell us your adventures. And we love that you share your testimonies about Kusi Wawa.

In today's post, we are going to talk about the main points that most of the parents we talk to stand out. What they like, what they find valuable. What gives them confidence.

The Kusi Wawa Method is a method to relieve colic and gas naturally. We use thermotherapy and aromatherapy to help reduce pain. And then, we offer the necessary contact that the newborn needs to calm down. More than a method, it could be considered a routine to perform at the time the baby breaks into tears. Learn more about the Kusi Wawa Method.

Most parents have come to Kusi Wawa because their children suffer from colic or gas. They know us either because some friends or because their pediatrician, nurse or midwife have recommended it. It must be said that after three years, it is a true honor that so many professionals in Spain already recommend and trust us.

Once they have tried it, what they value most is the safety of the cushion, thanks to its anti-burn safety device. Other parents also felt very safe knowing that all our products have been scientifically tested to ensure both their safety and effectiveness. But apart from these comments, many also commented that they love practicality and find that the design is beautiful.

There are many reasons why you can decide on Kusi Wawa. For which you can opt for a natural solution for your newborn. Chemical free, medication free and equal or more effective.

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