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The coib talks about Kusi Wawa and the Wawa mom belt

The coib talks about Kusi Wawa and the Wawa mom belt

The official school of nurses of Barcelona made a publication about our new project: the Wawa Mom belt.

We are happy that the school has valued the innovation we have carried out under the guidance of midwife Laura Tarrats. The new belt has been created to relieve labor contractions, relieve discomfort in pregnancy and all types of pain related to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.
In any circumstance, for a pregnant mother, in childbirth or in the puerperium, it is very important to have natural alternatives for the relief of those small pains or discomforts. Thanks to the Wawa Mom belt, from now on we can alleviate all those pains naturally and non-intrusively thanks to the thermotherapy. In addition, the cushions have a slight relaxing aroma that is so distinctive of Kusi Wawa and that all moms love.

In the article they explain how Laura Tarrats had the idea to create this belt, which today we know as Wawa Mom. They explain in detail why it is so positive and mention briefly the study that has been carried out for more than a year in the hospital with women in the early phase of childbirth.
It is an honor for us that Coib recognizes the work behind such innovation and, in addition, recognizes us as those who have made this whole project a reality.

Here you will find the link of the coib
https://www.coib.cat/ca-es/actualitat-professional/professio/una-llevadora-dissenya-un-cinturo-termic-per-dones-gestants-que-redueix-el-dolor-inici-del- part.html

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