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Suction, to relax

Suction, to relax

The Kusi Wawa Method to relieve colic naturally, ends with suction. And with this, doubts arise. But if I breastfeed him, he will not eat again and we will start the circle all over again. If I give him a pacifier, will he not get gas again and will we start over?

Today we will talk about the sucking reflex and why the Kusi Wawa Method ends it. The Kusi Wawa method is a series of steps that help relieve your little one when he is suffering from colic. This method considers two aspects of colic, the relief of physical pain and the emotional support. Colic is often not exclusively a physical discomfort, but it often occurs at the end of the day when the newborn is completely tired.
This is why it is important to relieve physical pain, but much more important is to help you relax. For this reason, the second part of the method begins with the lullaby. It is important to lull him well so that he feels well contained. Hugged like when I was inside the mother's womb. Then we agree to take him in our arms. Because in this way we favor contact. The rocking also emulates the movement felt in the mother's belly. The murmur, the same. And in the end, once you have done the previous steps, finish with the suction.

Sucking is one of the most powerful mechanisms a baby has. The breast, as you already know, is not only about food. In a large proportion they have the need for contact. For this reason, when they are in full cry, they do not accept breast because they are not "well". They need to be a little calmer in order to accept the suction. Then, like a chilli on a cake, once they are more relaxed and accepting the breast, they are just relaxed.
So, don't worry about breastfeeding or pacifying. They are mechanisms that your baby needs to finish feeling good. And once you accept it, you are ready for it and well-being will return shortly.

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