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Life with a newborn in double quarantine.

Life with a newborn in double quarantine.

If you are one of the moms who has had your baby in these strange moments. You are not alone.

On the one hand, we are going to put a little sauce or humor to the matter: think of all the annoying visits that you are going to save. Now yes or yes, they will not kiss your baby and you will not have your mother or your mother-in-law telling you how badly you are doing something. You have the opportunity to do it your way from the beginning, without anyone telling you otherwise or daring to tell you that you have to do it differently.

On the other hand, we understand that, in reality, there are many situations that can generate a lot of anxiety. And it is good that we detect them to try to find a positive face.

Next, we discuss some of the feelings or aspects that you may be feeling, and we look at turning the tortilla

- Loneliness. By itself, quarantine is always lonely. It is a process of brutal hormonal change and, even if you have family around you. You can feel very lonely. Only you can deal with it. In addition to this quarantine, you add the fact that you cannot leave the house. And that nobody can come to see you. You may feel much more alone. So be careful. Talk to your partner. Try to understand the situation and stay current.

- The workload. A newborn always carries a very large workload. To this, you add the entire organization of a confinement. They are many tasks. If you also have another child, you spend the day picking up. Now you cannot be carried by all the logistics of the house or the organization. This has to be done by the other adult at home. You do not want to tackle everything, because you will end up overwhelmed and your mental health is the priority. Remember that baby blues are a reality and it is very important among all of us to try to minimize them as much as possible so that they do not reach a dangerous level.

- The dream. When a newborn is just born, the hours of sleep are rather scarce. The fact of not sleeping does not help much in positivity. So, I know it sounds clichéd and everyone does what they can. But try to sleep when the baby sleeps. Take it more strictly. Because here there are no exits to take the air to make you feel better. Sleep as much as you can. Talk to your partner and make sure you are on the same page.

- Lactation. Breastfeeding can be very difficult, especially if it is the first time. If you have problems, you can start consulting online to see if you can solve it through the screen. Maternity centers such as Baby Suite By Pau, Mimándome or Pregnant are still connected online to help you in any way possible. Use these platforms first. Then, if online attention is not enough or you need a physical visit, they can help you direct if you can go to their centers. Or if you don't live in the same city, you can call your Primary Care Center to find out how you have to act. Most importantly, don't wait to ask for help. Why don't you want the situation to be complicated and you have to go to the emergency room. The services are so saturated that it is not good for the system or for you. Be cautious and if you see that something is wrong, ask for immediate help.

- Colic. A newborn may experience colic. If you have doubts that your little one suffers from colic. Do not hesitate, do the same, start by requesting an online consultation. Baby suite by pau attend all these kinds of queries. If you see that things are getting worse, the same, find out the steps to follow to avoid going to the emergency room. Think colic is often emotional. If we feel anxiety at home, he will be much more sensitive. And confinement, whether we like it or not, generates anxiety. So try to do a lot of porting with porter shirts or scarves, try to do a lot of skin to skin. Try to massage and create routines. And the moment the child cries, apply the Kusi Wawa method. With all the steps. Do not forget to lull him well, to balance him from singing to him. All this will help a lot to make your little one feel much better. And that at home you will all be much more relaxed.

- Routines. Creating routines will be essential these days. It will help the baby rest better. Be more relaxed and everything flows much better. Now more than ever, do not stop performing massage, nap, bath routines. Don't lather it up, though, but putting it in the tub with water will help create routine. All this will be very positive to change activities, considering that we cannot leave the house.

- Little brothers or sisters. It may be that many of you, moms, also have older brothers. The different rhythms are difficult to manage on their own. But since we also have to be locked up at home, it may be that the oldest is much more irascible. Try to divide yourselves. Right now, mom, the newborn needs you a lot more time. Let your partner be more dedicated to the elder and do not feel bad about it. Find the balance that makes you feel good, but above all, get rid of guilt about why you shouldn't have it.

- But the most important thing is that you listen to yourself. If you see that something is wrong, share it with your partner. Don't let it happen. Ask for help whenever you need it. You are in this together, and together you have to have the best time you can.

Is there any aspect that you think we have left behind? Share it with us and we will be happy to add it.

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