Viviendo con peques talks about Kusi wawa
Maria, from the blog Viviendo con Peques dedica un post a los mejores métodos par aliviar el cólico del lactante. Kusi Wawa no podía faltar!
Kusi Wawa interview in Tot És Possible de Rac1
Aquí teneis la entrevista que Elisenda Camps de Tot es Possible hizo a Meritxell Vinyas, fundadora de Kusi Wawa, el pasado 13 de septiembre.
Kusi Wawa, best product of 2016 in Feria Puericultura
The Wawa Band, the key product of the Kusi Wawa method, has been chosen as the best product of this 2016 by the Feria Puericultura
In today's session we answer some questions about our product and the Kusi Wawa method.
Kusi Wawa in Atención y Cuidados del Bebé
The blog dedicated to baby care writes about Kusi Wawa
First Q&A session vblog
In this video we give answer to some of the questions that are being asked more prominently until now
Kusi Wawa in El punt diari
A mom from Sant Antoni de Calonge patents a system based in applying heat on baby's belly to calm baby colic
Kusi Wawa in el Diari de Girona
We are celebrating that we made front page in el "Diari de Girona"