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Colicky babies could end up having migraines.

Colicky babies could end up having migraines.

Last November, an investigation by Dr. Evka Cesnek, from the United States, was published, which concluded that babies suffering from infant colic may suffer from migraines in the future.

It reminds us of the article we published where the University of California found the same relationship. You can see the article here https://www.kusiwawa.com/los-colicos-un-principio-de-migrana

Dr. Evka Cesnek has published a book called "The Colic Handbook", where she shares a guide to help parents who have a baby suffering from colic.

In the book she talks about how colicky babies have a hormonal abnormality, which is also found in migraine sufferers. For this reason, in the book she comments that what had been said until now that "babies suffering from colic will not have any long-term consequences", cannot be said lightly.

For this reason it is so important at the time of colic to respond to his crying. Take the baby in your arms and calm him down as soon as possible. Emotional comfort is just as important as physical comfort. You can ease her pain and help her calm down.

At Kusi Wawa, we have the Wawa Band that can help your newborn at the time of colic and we present the Kusi Wawa Method to relieve it.
We have also recently launched a new headache product. Because, as soon as they grow up, if they suffer from a headache, it allows you to alleviate it naturally with the application of cold.

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